We believe in the value of sustainable living within the Villages of San Jose, built through community advocacy and collaborative practices.

Team Lead, Rebeca Barrans

Our Charter

To explore, share, and advocate for sustainable practices with impactful results, that will generate responsible use of natural resources, leaving a bright and prosperous legacy for the Villages community, and long term habitable earth for future generations.

Primary efforts:

  • Composting
  • Waste Recycling, Upcycling, Repurposing
  • Sustainable Landscaping
  • Water Conservation
  • Individual sustainable practices

Visit our Sustainable Living page for ideas on ways you can live a more sustainable life.

Additional resources:

UNICEF A guide to sustainable living (

Books on Sustainable Living (

Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming by Paul Hawkin

Elders Climate Action (